
These pictures were taken in Egypt, while I took part in the Mencap Nile Bike Ride.
The minaret of the mosque whose muezzin woke some people. Every town of any size had at least one mosque. The calls to prayer could be heard from some distance away. View from my cabin window early on the first day. Bikes enough for everyone lined up on the dock. Front of Esna temple, with milling Nile Bikers. It was hazy as there had been a fairly major dust storm through the previous day. Another elevation of Esna temple, which is well below the level of the surrounding town. Even after being damaged and defaced by later generations, and burried by time, parts of the temple still show signs of the colours originally used to decorate it
The first rest stop on Day 2.
These were chances to stretch one's legs and ease one's bottom.
One could also eat, refil water containers and see a little of the country.
At rest stops, we were generally observed by bemused locals. Deserts, even when right next to rivers, are really inhospitable places.
A view across the Nile at Aswan, from the deck of our boat. The Aswan High Dam was built by the Egyptians with the cooperation of the Russians. The monument records this in Arabic and Russian. Looking up through the centre of the Monument, I discovered the location of another Stargate. Philae temple is beatiful and well preserved.

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